Localization of Low Noise Areas with Active Noise Canceling Devices


  • A. P. Tyurin
  • B. I. Sibgatullin




active noise control, low noise area, device


Currently, the impact of the noise factor in stationary workplaces is prevailing in the total share of the influence of other harmful factors. The materials proposed below reveal the essence of the technical solution related to devices for ensuring acoustic safety at the workplace. Noise reduction is provided by digital technology. The technical result is expressed in increasing the noise reduction efficiency in the upper local area of the device, that is, at the level of the user's head. The device can be used in stationary workplaces, the execution of the technological process on which does not require active physical movements. When using the product, the load on the human hearing system is reduced and its protection is ensured. Basic expressions are presented that make it possible to provide noise control in a noisy space between loudspeakers. The noise protection device includes detecting microphones, an active noise reduction process control unit, loudspeakers and a noise shield located on the frame. A specially designed screen is made in the form of a spherical segment, to the outer edge of which, on flexible suspensions, a rim is mounted with the possibility of free movement of detecting microphones along it. The carrier frame of the device is made in a U-shaped form, in the upper part of which the speakers are mounted with diaphragms facing each other.


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How to Cite

Tyurin А. П., & Sibgatullin Б. И. (2020). Localization of Low Noise Areas with Active Noise Canceling Devices. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 149–155. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2019-4-149-155


