The Model of Data Aggregation from Clustered Devices in the Internet of Things


  • R. V. Faizullin
  • S. Hering



mobile agent, data aggregation, Internet of things, Markov decision process, cluster analysis


Modern manufacturing systems can contain a lot of elements and links between them. For effective operation of the system it is necessary to rapidly aggregate and process the information of its elements. The paper is aimed at the description of the model of data aggregation from the clustered devices in the Internet of things. The number of the devices influences the complexity of the system operation organization. The data aggregation scheme should be based on the strategy of formation of the information transfer routes. The paper describes the possibility of using mobile agents for data aggregation. The optimization of the agents’ routes between the nodes of the Internet of things comes down to developing the Hamiltonian cycle (closed with the start in a particular point) with minimum losses for passing it (time, distance, etc.). To simplify the task it is proposed to clusterize the nodes inside the system. In the event of the necessity to optimize the routes of mobile agents the function is determined in which such parameters as the distance between the system nodes, importance of the aggregated data, nodes energy, etc., are taken into account. At the same time, with the help of equalization coefficients that are set up expertly, it is possible to influence the process of the route planning for mobile agents in the system of the Internet of things taking into consideration the required balance between the indexes of the system productivity. The proposed problem setting allows for using Markov decision process to solve it.


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How to Cite

Faizullin Р. В., & Hering Ш. (2020). The Model of Data Aggregation from Clustered Devices in the Internet of Things. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 17(4), 156–162.


