Analysis Robust Stabilization For Markov Jump Linear Systems
Markov Jump Linear Systems, Robust stability analysis, linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)Abstract
We are concerned with the problems of analysis stabilization and analysis robust stability for Continuous Time Markovian jump linear systems. The Markovian jump linear system includes parameter uncertainties both in the mode transition rate matrix and in the system matrices. Sufficient conditions are ensured to systems considered to be stable in the mean square stable are presented in the form of linear matrix inequalities. The conclusion of previous condition of robust stability for Continuous Time Markovian jump linear systems is presented in the form of a theorem. Sufficient condition for the design of controller’s robust state-feedback where the closed-loop system quadratic mean square stable. The robust stabilization problem for Markovian jump linear systems was analyzed and state-feedback controller is designed such that the resulting closed-loop system is mean square stable. Finally, numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed theoretical results, the robust stabilizing controller for a Continuous Time Markovian jump linear system obtained by the MATLAB LMI Toolbox.References
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