Laser Locator for Detection and Recognition of Small Objects
laser locator, scanning device, distance of range-finding, laser source, recognition of objects, detection of objectsAbstract
There is a problem of quick detecting of small-sized air objects in addition to searching for a large aircraft such as airplanes or helicopters in design of modern locators, this problem forces the developers of these systems to use laser sources for ranging of air space. The objective of work is to study the possibility of using laser sources for the ranging of small-sized objects, and also to study the requirements for laser locators and of the problems associated with the changing of the radio spectral range to the optical one. The problem of detecting small-sized airborne objects and the issue of constructing laser locators of all-round range-finding are considered in the paper. Methods for range-finding to objects and measuring of their angular coordinates, which are used in these systems, are described. The estimated composition of the designed system is given and main functions of its parts and interactions between these parts are noted. The estimate of the required laser radiation power and the dependence of the number of laser sources in the system on the maximum range-finding distance are presented. A method for solving this problem by dividing the system into a block for determining angular coordinates and a block for determining range is proposed.References
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