Neural Network Model for Forecasting Human Capital


  • D. D. Vavilova
  • K. V. Ketova



neural network model, forecast algorithm, socio-economic system, human capital, investments


The aim of this research is the using of neural network modeling and the adaptation of its algorithm to build a forecast of the value, structure and dynamics of human capital. The statistical base is data on demographics, the volume of investment in human capital of the regional economic system, as well as indicators of the directions of socio-economic development. The total investment in human capital determines budget expenditures and private expenses of citizens. To forecast the dynamics of human capital, the values of volumes of investments in them are used, the forecast of which, in turn, is built using the neural network model. The neural network model used in this study is a multilayer fully connected perceptron. Neural network modeling of forecast values of investment volumes has shown its effectiveness. The assessment of human capital for 2000-2018 and its forecast for 2019-2023 are carried out on the example of the regional economic system of the Udmurt Republic. The results obtained are qualitatively correlated with the dynamics of changes in the human development index of Russia, determined by UN specialists. The proposed methodology for calculating and forecasting human capital can be used to assess and compare the socio-economic situation of the regions of Russia.


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How to Cite

Vavilova Д. Д., & Ketova К. В. (2020). Neural Network Model for Forecasting Human Capital. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(1), 26–35.


