System Analysis of the Process of Creating Industrial Intellectual Property
system analysis, methodology of invention, activation of technical creativity, results of intellectual activityAbstract
The object of research in the paper is the system for creating and protecting intellectual industrial property. Attention is drawn to the process of identifying technical problems, to the possibility of accelerating the search for optimal effective solutions, the possibilities of activating the creative activity of individuals and creative groups are revealed, the positive processes of improving the system of creating and protecting results of intellectual activity (RID) are highlighted.
A systematic analysis of the creation of industrial intellectual property objects reveals the low level of patent culture of employees of enterprises, the absence of patent services or specialists in the field of intellectual property protection. Specialists who are able to quickly identify technical problems and find solutions to them are becoming an increasingly popular category in the labor market. The task of the higher education system is to quickly prepare the necessary production specialists. Objective results of a system analysis of the inventive methodology will allow more efficient use of the intellectual resources of a university, region and country.
The perception of a technical problem, the motivation for creative activity, the intensification of the search for effective solutions depend on the emotional state of the inventor or creative group, emotions become faithful guides and reflection of social information in the world of consciousness, where this information is comprehended and processed. An integrated approach to the search system for effective solutions to production problems includes, as one of the most important, a training system for the methodology of technical creativity.References
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