Determination of Optimal Bottomhole Operation Pressure of Lateral Horizontal Bar


  • S. S. Miroshnichenko
  • K. A. Sidelnikov



oil and gas fields, bottomhole pressure, lateral horizontal trunk


For the effective exploitation of oil fields, optimization of technological parameters is necessary. Optimal parameters of the bottomhole pressure of wells for operation of horizontal lateral shafts are not rated. The paper assesses the level of the optimal bottomhole pressure, at which it is advisable to operate a lateral horizontal wellbore with the maximum “waterless” flow rate. According to the calculation results, 3 groups of drilling (sidetracking) sidetracks were identified: with the high predicted starting water cut (> 90 %), with the average starting water cut (about 80 %) and with the low starting water cut (about 20–50 %); and optimal parameters of the bottomhole pressure for each group were determined.


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How to Cite

Miroshnichenko С. С., & Sidelnikov К. А. (2020). Determination of Optimal Bottomhole Operation Pressure of Lateral Horizontal Bar. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(1), 65–71.


