Method for Solving Problems of Theory of Constraint by Linear Equations with Multiple Unknowns


  • V. G. Osetrov
  • E. S. Slashcheev
  • D. M. Malikova



linear equation, life cycle, substantiation of technological solutions, PLM-system, mathematical expectation, distribution of a random variable, theory of constraint


The paper presents a method for solving problems of the theory of constraint in the form of linear equations with many unknowns encountered in practice when managing the life cycle of engineering products. The method is aimed at automating the process of substantiating the decisions taken at the stage of preparation for production and managing the product life cycle when managing dimensional, temporary and economic relations. The example of the first problem describes the key aspects of pricing and remuneration taking into account the productivity of workers. The second problem is to determine the economically achievable tolerance of the closing link of a dimension chain. The third problem describes the aspects of the enterprise load, taking into account mandatory contributions. These problems allow us to find a rational solution with a limited number of input data. Many solutions to equations with many unknowns can be limited by presenting the equations in the form of a mathematical expectation of a discrete quantity and a rigorous solution algorithm. The presented problems reveal a method for solving the problems of the theory of constraint and the prospects of using equations for practice in managing the life cycle and building automated systems by changing scenarios and calculation results taking into account a multi-factor model of production.


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How to Cite

Osetrov В. Г., Slashcheev Е. С., & Malikova Д. М. (2020). Method for Solving Problems of Theory of Constraint by Linear Equations with Multiple Unknowns. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(1), 83–87.


