Development of Training System for Earthquake Impact Assessment
automated calculation, earthquake impact assessment, training system, isoseismists, geographical map, data of structuresAbstract
Currently, there are no automated training systems that could be used in educational institutions to familiarize students with the basics of predicting the consequences of emergencies, in particular earthquakes, and testing their skills as a result of studying the appropriate methodology.
In order to automate and accelerate the process of forecasting the consequences of an earthquake, a platform has been developed for teaching students how to assess the consequences of emergencies, in particular the effects of earthquakes, and to verify their knowledge. The proposed system makes it possible to quickly evaluate the consequences of earthquakes that have occurred or are expected in a particular area for most types of ground and underground buildings and structures, and also based on the data obtained, calculate the forces and resources needed to eliminate them. The structure of the system is given in the paper, functions of each module of three subsystems are described in details: training, forecasting and administration. A diagram of the process of assessing the effects of earthquakes and a graphical tab “Automated assessment” of the implemented system are shown. The implementation parameters and possible prospects for the development of the system are given. It is noted that the developed system can be supplemented and improved to increase functionality.
The specified educational system, in addition to the use in the educational process for the training of students studying in the field of "Technosphere Security", can be used in the course training system for officials of the Civil Defense and Emergencies Ministry, at refresher courses and at economic facilities.References
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