Information System "Shoemaker" to Improve the Quality of Preparation of Shoe Production
databases, info system, shoes, software, production, equipment, technological process, light industryAbstract
Introduction. The paper describes the developed information system, namely the web and mobile applications, and the developed database for this software for implementation at shoe enterprises in order to improve the quality of their work and increase production capacities.
The purpose of this work is to describe the algorithmic and user functionality of the developed software and the developed database, its structure and content.
Materials and Methods. The analysis of existing analogues of the developed software is carried out, moreover, both programs for mobile devices, desktop and web. Their advantages and disadvantages are described. The technical component of the software is described with the presentation of each individual part of the programs with their purpose for specific purposes to perform certain tasks. The analysis of existing types of database management systems is carried out and on its basis the most relevant system for the developed software has been selected. The necessary background information was collected. A database with all the necessary information for the production of shoes at shoe enterprises of various designs and types using various production technologies, accessible and necessary types of materials and equipment was designed and developed.
Results. The principle of operation and the purpose of the software being developed, namely, the web and mobile applications, the internal algorithmic structure of almost all the modules that make up the software, the proposed web application interface through which users can interact with the entire system, are described. New summary lists of structured information for the production of shoes of various brands and designs have been developed: the technological process for manufacturing the bottom and top of shoes, a description of operations, the necessary equipment and tools, the necessary materials for the production of top and bottom of shoes at enterprises, methods of attaching soles to shoe products, with all notes, standards, additions and explanations.
Discussion and Conclusions. The results can be used to develop and refine software that can be implemented at almost any shoe company in order to improve the quality of preparation of the production process and improve performance. All this can be achieved thanks to: a well-thought-out algorithmic software functionality for each production operation, a database of the entire necessary list of data for organizing an uninterrupted production process and an intuitive software interface.References
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