Structural and Parametrical Synthesis of Coordinating Devices for HF and VHF Antennas
coordinating devices, HF and VHF antennas, entrance resistance of antennas, Smith's chart, structural and parametrical synthesisAbstract
The main approaches to carrying out structural and parametrical synthesis of the coordinating devices taking into account features of entrance resistance of specific HF and VHF antennas are systemically considered. Synthesis of structures and a choice of parameters are mainly carried out with the use of the complex Smith’s chart. For the general case, the ambiguity of the received results and the influence of the chosen main and additional efficiency criteria on them are discussed.
Options of structures of coordination are synthesized mainly on jet elements but generally can also include resistive and transforming elements. Options of structures for antennas both in the resonant modes (in the absence of entrance jet resistance), and in not resonant modes (with complex entrance resistance) are discussed. Areas of preferable use of the considered structures are allocated. Specifics and additional opportunities of structural and parametrical synthesis of options of VHF antennas coordination at the lowest UH frequencies are shown. The structural and parametrical synthesis of coordination contours with the analysis of their frequency properties was additionally carried out by methods of calculation of electric circuits.
The considered technique of structural and parametrical synthesis and the received results are intended for applied development of the narrow-band coordinating devices and the adjusted tuners for broadband coordination of the corresponding HF and VHF antennas.References
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