A Versatile Experimental Setup for the Acoustic Research
pulse generator, acoustic control, broadband amplifier, measuring equipment, ultrasoundAbstract
A large number of different studies in the field of acoustic control necessitated the development of experimental equipment capable of providing the required range of characteristics at low cost (operation in a wide frequency range, the use of transducers of various types, etc.). The paper describes the design of a universal acoustic measuring (experimental) stand designed to solve a range of problems associated with the development of original methods of acoustic non-destructive testing. The installation is built on widely available components, its simple upgrade is possible.
Examples of control methods for various objects, including extended ones, developed with its help, in different frequency ranges, and using different types of acoustic waves are given. In particular, the possibility of monitoring the extended objects in the low-frequency ultrasound region (of the order of 20 kHz), as well as the detection of defects in compact objects using the megahertz range of ultrasonic radiation, is shown.
A versatile setup for conducting acoustic studies was used to assess the effect of corrosion and SCC at the speed of the Rayleigh wave. Measurements were carried out as part of the study of the possibility of assessing the state of the metal of the main pipelines by changing the speed of Rayleigh waves. The research results showed a deviation of the Rayleigh wave velocity by no more than 100 m/s from the reference value, with a maximum error of its measurement of not more than 0.7%.References
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