management, mathematical model, construction industry, escrow account, financial indicators


  • K. V. Ketova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • D. D. Vavilova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



management, mathematical model, construction industry, escrow account, financial indicators


The paper presents the problem of the optimal use of financial resources in a construction company's production activities when applying escrow accounts in Russia. A mathematical model of the organization of the financial management process has been built to increase the profitability of production activities in the construction industry during the implementation of the project for the construction of an apartment building. The mathematical model allows us to calculate a sales strategy that would ensure a minimum loan rate to minimize the amount of interest paid by the construction organization. Based on the schedule for financing the construction project, the mathematical model of organizing the financial management process allows, by varying the physical volume and sales price, to determine the optimal balance on the escrow account. The mathematical toolkit proposed in the work of the analysis of factors that increase the profitability of production activities allows the construction organization to monitor the current financial flows in an operational mode and optimize generalized financial indicators. The calculation of increasing the profitability of financial resources in the construction industry was carried out on the example of the average developer in one of Russia's regions, in which housing construction is actively developing – on the example of the Udmurt Republic. It is shown that financial flow management can significantly improve financial performance.


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How to Cite

Ketova К. В., & Vavilova Д. Д. (2020). management, mathematical model, construction industry, escrow account, financial indicators. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(2), 85–95.


