Modeling of Optimal Production Systems Based on the Intellectual Property of the Enterprise


  • V. S. Klekovkin Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • O. B. Goltsova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • V. N. Permyakov Kalashnikov ISTU, LLC "Izhevsk Plant of Thermal Engineering", Izhevsk



modeling, optimization, management, production systems, intellectual property, synergy, harmonization, personnel competence, quality, competitiveness


The optimal production system ensures the production of competitive business products and expanded reproduction. In this case, for a systematic approach, two problems are solved:

– to assemble processes necessary and sufficient for the production of a competitive product in the production system;

– to harmonize production, management, and support processes in the optimal production system to maximize its synergy.

Based on the above, the quality of production systems in their optimization is mostly determined by the enterprise's intellectual property.

The intellectual property base is structured in the following areas (factors):

1. Personnel competencies evaluated by the requirements of the modern technological structure;

2. Real individual achievements of the staff;

3. The portfolio of mastered and perspective technologies and designs in the fields of production and equipment;

4. Technical solutions in the field of structures and technologies (manufacturing methods) protected by patents;

5. Know-how in the areas of engineering and technology, organization and management not protected by patents;

6. Methods of ensuring the staff synergy; its satisfaction; corporate culture; customer satisfaction and creation of more mutually beneficial stakeholder values of the enterprise. 

The model of intellectual property management; formation, estimation, and actualization of individualized and joint intellectual property base of an enterprise; and the optimal production system model are considered.

The model of optimal production system taking into account the intellectual property of the enterprise allows making decisions objectively to develop the plan of organizational and technical measures on improvement of processes and production system as a whole.

On the analysis of the efficiency of a business product as a whole and individual processes, in particular, the enterprise can improve the efficiency of its activities. 

Thus, the enterprise's estimated intellectual property allows forming the teams providing the decision of innovative problems.


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How to Cite

Klekovkin В. С., Goltsova О. Б., & Permyakov В. Н. (2020). Modeling of Optimal Production Systems Based on the Intellectual Property of the Enterprise. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(2), 117–122.


