Research Methods of Coasting Standing Waves in a Solid Wave Gyroscope


  • R. I. Mingazov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • F. I. Spiridonov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



solid-state wave gyroscope, resonance oscillation, wave pattern, identification, coasting standing wave, procedures, measurements


The methods for researching the standing wave coasting in resonators of integrating solid-state gyroscopes using the signals of their measuring devices are systematically described. For this, the processes of the formation of the working and quadrature standing waves through resonance modes of vibration are examined in detail. The internal structure of the measured signals is also disclosed. The relationships of standing waves with measuring signals are shown, which is accepted as a mathematical basis for identifying slowly changing characteristics of wave processes in a resonator.

Four variants of the algorithm for measuring the temporal characteristics of the working and square standing waves are analyzed, in which the problem is reduced to an analytical form and one-parameter methods for refining the frequency. In the first algorithm, the measurement results are processed without taking into account the quadrature wave. It is proposed for forming the initial approximation in the problem of the refinement of the multi-parameter optimization of the identification functional. In the second algorithm, the processing of measurement results is performed using information about the phase shift of the measuring device's signals. It allows us to simultaneously control the time moments of the standing waves of the axes of the measuring device according to the criterion of increasing the phase shift by π/2. It may turn out to be important in the synthesis of circuits for active suppression of a quadrature wave through feedback on the phase-mismatch signal of the measurement signals. In the third algorithm, for processing the measurement results, a transition to the moving axes of standing waves is proposed. Its advantage is the excellent physical visibility of the results, as well as the convenience of additional indirect control of the preservation of the scaling of the measuring signals. In the fourth identification algorithm, the measurement results are processed using numerical digital demodulation procedures.

Also, the methodology for researching of coasting standing waves is analyzed using standard procedures for simultaneous multi-parameter numerical minimization of the identification error functional immediately for all five standing wave functions slowly varying in time. Performed field studies have confirmed its effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Mingazov Р. И., Spiridonov Ф. И., & Shishakov К. В. (2020). Research Methods of Coasting Standing Waves in a Solid Wave Gyroscope. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 20–32.


