Measuring Complex for Determining the Operating Conditions of Power Transformers


  • A. E. Fokeev Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • M. L. Novoselov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



power transformers, rate of insulation thermal aging, reduced service life, higher harmonic components, three phase hodograph


It is shown that the survey of existing electrical facilities (transformer substations) should be carried out with the use of tools that allow for determining the actual mode of operation of power electrical equipment. It is proposed to use instantaneous current values and harmonic analysis to determine the actual operating mode of power transformers and assess the development of the winding insulation resource.

The paper presents the description of the principle of operation and visualization of results obtained by means of a measuring complex, the purpose of which is to determine the actual operating mode of power transformers with a voltage of 10(6)/0.4 kV.

The determination of the actual operating mode of power transformers and parameters characterizing the service life of power transformers is carried out taking into account the impact of non-sinusoidal load currents and the ambient temperature. Mathematical models of dry power transformers with the air-barrier insulation with natural and forced cooling and oil-immersed power transformers with natural and forced oil circulation are used. The models take into account the influence of the higher harmonic components of the load current and the actual value of the ambient temperature. The results of determining the actual operating mode of power transformers are visualized by means of three-phase current hodographs providing a clear display of the information received.


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How to Cite

Fokeev А. Е., & Novoselov М. Л. (2020). Measuring Complex for Determining the Operating Conditions of Power Transformers. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 33–40.


