Shooting Simulator “Inhibitor”: Firmware Weapon Simulators


  • S. F. Egorov Udmurt Federal Research Center UB RAS, Izhevsk
  • K. Y. Petukhov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



shooting exercise machine (shooting simulator), weapon simulator, weapon recoil, aiming devices, built-in software, sound mixer


The paper describes the software of interaction between weapon simulators and the tactical shooting optical-electronic simulator for small arms “Inhibitor” developed at the Institute of mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with JSC “Kalashnikov” Concern”.

A tactical and technical task is given for the functionality of weapon simulators with the support for 50% recoil and 60% of the sound level; it is necessary to track the installations of both mechanical sights and optical and night ones for the corresponding samples. The built-in software of the weapon simulator controller shall guarantee the operation of the mechanisms in real time when working out the recoil and enable the synchronization of the pulse laser emitter of the targeting point detector. Indications of sensors of the magazine, trigger, speed of a trigger, safety lock, sights, plumb, slope, and clip to a shoulder need to be transferred to the program of the shooting exercise machine for control of parameters of firing and calculation of ballistics and also for fixing of mistakes of the trainee at weapon handling. For information exchange, a data format and integrated mixer software had been developed to guarantee the necessary from-click and up-to-date readings.

The conclusion is drawn on prospects of further researches and development of electronic shooting exercise machines thanks to improvement and reduction in cost of the element base and development of program libraries, for the purpose of increase in the accuracy of exercise machines, expansion of functionality and decrease in the cost value and, thus improving the competitiveness.


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How to Cite

Egorov С. Ф., & Petukhov К. Ю. (2020). Shooting Simulator “Inhibitor”: Firmware Weapon Simulators. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 41–52.


