Numerical Analysis Technique for Stiffness Parameters Identification of Spatial Structures by Minimizing the Difference between the Calculated (Finite Element) and Natural Dynamic Characteristics


  • P. I. Novikov "Center SMIS "BASIS" Ltd., Izhevsk



inverse ill-posed problem, damage detection, minimization, natural frequencies and mode shapes


The paper contains a description of the developed numerical analysis technique for stiffness parameters identification of spatial structures by minimizing the difference between the calculated (finite element) and natural dynamic characteris-tics. The technique allows us to solve inverse ill-posed dynamic problems of parametrical identification of structures stiffness characteristics. The technique uses the capabilities of software solution ANSYS Mechanical and MATLAB. The method is based on the original formulation of the nonlinear programming (NLP) with the limitations in the form of ine-qualities for the calculated eigenvalues. Before the start of minimization, it is planned to select priority minimization components. The selection of components allows us to solve the dynamic inverse problem under conditions of “contrast” change of significant spectrum part. Also, it increases the computational efficiency of the minimization process. The technique is applicable to a detailed study of spatial structural schemes. The technique can
be applied as a component of information, analytical and mathematical models of digital twins at the stage of validation, identification of mathematical models of real construction objects, which are equipped with modern systems of dynamic monitoring.


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How to Cite

Novikov П. И. (2020). Numerical Analysis Technique for Stiffness Parameters Identification of Spatial Structures by Minimizing the Difference between the Calculated (Finite Element) and Natural Dynamic Characteristics. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 64–71.


