Software Application for Design of Straight Bevel Gear with Localization of Bearing Contact
software application, constrained optimization problem, contact pressure, straight bevel gearAbstract
A software package has been developed for the design of straight bevel gears with the localized contact. The methods of 3D modeling of the active surfaces of teeth are presented, that allow obtaining the required contact localization in gears. One of the gears is made with involute straight teeth. Selection of flanks of the mating gear for the localized contact realization is carried out based on the solution of the constrained optimization problem. The software application for estimation of meshing and contact characteristics in the modified gear is presented. The target function to be minimized is the maximum contact pressure during the operation of one pair of teeth. The synthesis parameters are varied, that determine the position of the center of the bearing contact and its size. The constraint in problem solving is to prevent the edge contact. An iterative heuristic algorithm is proposed for solving the problem of minimizing the target function. At the beginning of the algorithm, the initial point is selected. At each iteration, several candidate points are calculated with some step for the next approximation. The transition is made to that point with the lowestvalue of the target function, where there is no edge contact. If the transition is not possible, the step for calculating candidate points is reduced. The algorithm is terminated when it is impossible to find a suitable point or the step is too small. An example of calculation is given.
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