Conceptual Model of Process Management for Analysis of Requirements and Distribution of Works at Development of Information Systems


  • O. B. Goltsova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • V. S. Klekovkin Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • E. V. Goltsova Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



analysis, management, model, process, requirements, algorithm, evaluation information system


The paper is devoted to the analysis and development of a conceptual model of process management in the development of information systems to optimize the business requirements of the developer and the customer through a decision support system for analyzing requirements and distributing work depending on the qualifications and workload of the developer team members.

In this paper, to represent the relationship between two processes, a 3D diagram of the conceptual management model was developed.  The first process, requirements analysis, consists of two stages: the initial requirements analysis and the formation of a plan for working with requirements. Based on the study, a list of indicators is generated for each requirement to identify the relationship with the stages of the requirements analysis process, and a search is made for factors that affect the requirements analysis process. The process goes through several iterations until all the indicators are taken into account.

Based on the results of a comparative analysis of indicators and factors, the list of stages of working with the requirement is determined. Stages are formed as a list for creating a work plan with a requirement.

The second process is the distribution of work depending on the qualification and workload of employees. The paper presents an algorithm for taking into account the qualification of a specialist in the company, which allows you to conduct a final assessment of the specialist for each identified functional responsibility. Calculation formula are given for: determining the groups of functional responsibilities of the specialist evaluation; its importance; self-assessment of the specialist; the specialist evaluation by the head of Department and final assessment of the specialist by each of his functional responsibilities. An algorithm for the task distribution process is presented that allows you to determine the level of workload by the number of tasks assigned to an employee.


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How to Cite

Goltsova О. Б., Klekovkin В. С., & Goltsova Е. В. (2020). Conceptual Model of Process Management for Analysis of Requirements and Distribution of Works at Development of Information Systems. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 85–94.


