On the Issue of Automation of the Process of Choosing Systems and Technical Means of Physical Protection of Critical and Potentially Dangerous Objects


  • I. M. Yannikov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • M. V. Telegina Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk




potentially dangerous object, critically important object, physical protection system, technical means of physical protection, modeling, functional model, block diagram


The paper  is devoted to the automation of the process of choosing the technical means of physical protection of critically important and potentially dangerous objects (CIO and PDO). In order to establish a unified approach to understanding the subject of the paper and the terms used in the preamble, the definitions of basic concepts are given, the classification of technical means of physical protection (TMPP) is considered. In addition, the paper discusses the features of constructing a physical protection system (PPS) of CIO and PDO, analyzes the currently existing systems for the automation of design of PPS. It has been established that these design methods of PPS of CIO and PDO in the literature are not adequately covered, and therefore, the paper substantiates the need for modeling the design processes of these systems.

It is shown that to simplify the process of forming the composition of technical means, it is first of all necessary to develop a functional and structural model of the system for choosing technical means of physical protection and to develop a database of PPS. The design solutions used to develop the system are described.

A functional model of the automated system for selecting technical means of physical protection of objects in the IDEF0 notation is described, which describes the main processes: object modeling, modeling of security threats, development of physical protection measures. The developed structural model of the application, based on the functions performed by the system, is decomposed into 5 subsystems: simulation of the protection object, modeling of security threats, development of protection measures, formation of the PPS project, work with the database.

The algorithm of the fire alarm selection process is given and described. The technical means of software implementation of the system are considered.


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How to Cite

Yannikov И. М., & Telegina М. В. (2020). On the Issue of Automation of the Process of Choosing Systems and Technical Means of Physical Protection of Critical and Potentially Dangerous Objects. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(3), 127–135. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2020-3-127-135


