A Solid-State Wave Gyro with Independent Channels for Measuring the Angle and Angular Velocity
Solid-state wave gyroscope, resonator, angular velocity sensor, amplitude-frequency characteristic, control system, mathematical modelAbstract
A new promising principle of a hemispherical resonator gyroscope (HRG) operation is considered in this work - simultaneous operation of the device in free and forced oscillation modes on independent vibration modes. The mode of free vibrations is realized by an angle sensor (AS); the mode of forced oscillations is formed by a sensor of angular velocity (AVS). The angle sensor and angular velocity sensor are independent channels of inertial information. The AVS mode implements measurements of the instantaneous angular velocity. Still, it has large errors in calculating the angle of rotation over a long time interval when the device operates in conditions of vibration and shock. The remote control mode implements stable physical integration of the angular velocity (Brian effect) under external mechanical stress conditions for long time intervals. Still, it has large errors in determining the instantaneous angular velocity. The remote control's advantage is a wide dynamic range; the sensor operates in the range of angular velocities up to several thousand degrees per second, with angular accelerations up to several tens of thousands of degrees per second squared. The dynamic range of the AVS mode is much smaller. The HRG mode with simultaneous independent operation in the remote control and the remote control system expands the scope of the HRG; simultaneously, the reliability, accuracy of measurements, and resistance to external disturbances are increased. In navigation and motion control, an urgent direction is the development of precision systems with high accuracy in determining the instantaneous angular velocity, a wide dynamic range, and the stability of the integration of angular velocity over long time periods. One of the attempts to cope with the simultaneous requirements for accuracy and robustness is the development of a dual-mode HRG, switching modes depending on the requirements. A significant drawback of a dual-mode switching HRG is transients' presence when switching modes, during which an adequate measurement of rotation does not occur. There are also no clear criteria for switching modes. A fundamentally different approach is proposed: the development of HRG, in which two modes are combined simultaneously. Separation of modes is proposed to be carried out not in time but the frequency. At least two forms of oscillations are formed in the resonator at their resonant frequencies. Fluctuations in one form are used for the AS remote control mode; another form is used for the AVS remote control mode. It ensures the formation of two independent channels and obtaining the benefits of both modes.References
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