Application of Spatial Correlation of Acoustic Emission Signals Parameters to Solve Problems of Sources Clustering


  • A. A. Popkov Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk
  • S. A. Bekher Siberian Transport University, Novosibirsk



non-destructive testing, acoustic emission, parameters of acoustic emission signals, informative parameters, source location, correlation, correlation coefficient, clustering sources


One of the defining tasks, without which it is impossible to implement non-destructive testing by the method of acoustic emission (AE), is associated with an increase in the reliability of combining sources into clusters and substantiation of a set of informative signal parameters for describing properties of AE sources. The paper proposes a model of signal parameters, registered by several transducers from one AE source and containing random multiplicative and additive uncertainties. As part of the analytical solution of the model, it is shown that the requirements of independence of uncertainties of signal parameters between each other and with source parameters are sufficient to prove the statement that informative parameters of signals at two transducers correlate with the source parameter if and only if they correlate between each other. 

The possibility is substantiated for using the correlation coefficient parameters of signals from two transducers to assess these parameters' degree of information content and their relationship with the source. Results are given for experimental studies of a steel pressure vessel and sheet glass using an electronic simulator, a Su-Nielsen simulator, and real sources under hydraulic and shock loading. A method for signal clustering is proposed and implemented based on processing the dependences of parameters of signals recorded by three transducers. The convergence is shown for the results obtained with the source location in sheet glass based on the classical algorithm for time difference of signal arrival within the standard software AE-system SDSAD-16.03.


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How to Cite

Popkov А. А., & Bekher С. А. (2020). Application of Spatial Correlation of Acoustic Emission Signals Parameters to Solve Problems of Sources Clustering. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(4), 30–38.


