Investigation of a Solenoid as a Source of a Uniform Magnetic Field in Magnetobiological Experiments
solenoid, inhomogeneity of magnetic field, magnetobiological experienceAbstract
Magneto biological experiments require generators of constant magnetic fields. Requirements for generators depend on the experimental design and the type of biological object: microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungal spores), insects (ants, bees), mammals (rats, mice, birds). The working volume in which the latter are placed can be represented by various forms: Petri dishes, test tubes, boxes (incubators, hives, chambers, etc.).
The shape and size of the working volume together with the experimental plan and the type of biological object impose conditions on the parameters of the generators of magnetic fields, which, when interacting with the Earth's field, create a hypogeomagnetic field in the working volume. Requirements for the technical characteristics of generators of a hypogeomagnetic field also vary within wide limits. Thus, in experiments based on resonance effects, it is necessary to carefully calibrate the magnetic field in the working volume for homogeneity. The field should be especially homogeneous when studying nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). With an increase in the mass of bioparticles, the resonance frequencies fall, the Q-factor of the vibrating particles of the biosystem decreases, and the requirements for the uniformity of the field become less stringent. Unacceptable deviation of the field from the nominal value leads to the loss of purity of the experiment, complicates the interpretation of the results, and often makes them incorrect.
The preference among magneto biologists was given to generators in the form of various coils with a current: an Ampere coil, a rectangular frame with a current, Helmholtz coils, a solenoid. In this work, we investigated a solenoid as a source of a field with a given uniformity in the working volume of a magneto biological experiment. The field is calculated using well-known formulas and software environment Wolfram Mathmatica 12.1.
The working volume inside the solenoid is determined, in which the field has a given degree of inhomogeneity. The graphs of the dependences of the field inhomogeneity are plotted depending on the ratio of length to radius: "long" ratio is more than 20, "short" (coil) - 20, and a single-turn coil (Ampere coil). Examples of calculating the dimensions of the solenoid of specific magneto biological experiments are given.References
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