Study of Bag Filling Process of the Plant for Reagent-Mechanical Dewatering of Sewage Sludge


  • E. V. Makarova <span lang="EN-US">Kalashnikov ISTU, <span>Izhevsk</span></span>
  • S. S. Makarov <span lang="EN-US">Kalashnikov ISTU, <span>Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk</span></span>



bag dehydrator, sediment, impurity, mathematical model, parametric analysis


The need of society and the state of local block-modular treatment facilities that ensure the implementation of existing technological and environmental standards are presented. Currently, there are design solutions for water treatment plants and modules for water supply systems. Still, there is no mathematical description and graphical representation of dehydration parameters of the heterogeneous composition's sludge. Based on mathematical modeling, parametric studies of the plant's bag filling process for reagent-mechanical dewatering of sewage sludge were carried out. A mathematical model of the process is presented; it consists of a differential equations system that calculates the rate of sediment deposition in a storage filtration bag and algebraic relations that determine the calculated values. The regularities of filling filtration bags with sewage sludge at a constant and arbitrarily varying volume flow rate are established. The proposed numerical algorithm makes it possible to perform parametric studies of the filtration bag filling depending on the values of the flow density, the volume fraction of impurities in the flow mixture, and the volume flow rate of the flow during the filtration process, thus being able to predict the rational operational mode of the equipment.


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How to Cite

Makarova Е. В., & Makarov С. С. (2020). Study of Bag Filling Process of the Plant for Reagent-Mechanical Dewatering of Sewage Sludge. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(4), 84–88.


