Application of Data Dimensionality Reduction Methods to the Construction of Fuzzy Neural Networks


  • V. A. Tenenev Kalashnikov ISTU, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk
  • A. S. Shaura Kalashnikov ISTU, Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhevsk



data reduction, principal component analysis, fuzzy neural network, decision tree, autoencoder, restricted Boltzmann machine


Many data mining problems can be reduced to classification and regression problems; modern approaches to their solving are based on the use of neural networks, decision trees, fuzzy logic, and classical statistical methods. The solution to complex practical problems consists of several stages, such as feature detection and feature selection, reducing the initial space's dimension, searching for relationships, and building a mathematical model.

The paper considers data dimension reduction when constructing a fuzzy neural network to reduce the number of initial features and increase their informativeness. We consider several approaches to solve it: application of the principal component analysis (PCA), a neural network with an autoencoder architecture, and a restricted Boltzmann machine. In contrast to the method of principal components, the use of an autoencoder and a limited Boltzmann machine makes it possible to take into account the nonlinear connections between the existing features. An important feature of the proposed fuzzy neural network based on fuzzy decision trees is the visibility of the presentation of relationships in the data system in the form of logical rules to assess the importance of each rule. Using the presented methods for reducing the input data dimension allowed us to reduce the approximation error significantly. According to the test results, the best ability to generalize data among the considered methods is possessed by the restricted Boltzmann machine: its application for constructing rules in a fuzzy neural network reduces the approximation error several times compared with the principal component analysis. The results obtained in this work can be used to construct universal fuzzy approximators for solving machine learning and data analysis problems.


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How to Cite

Tenenev В. А., & Shaura А. С. (2020). Application of Data Dimensionality Reduction Methods to the Construction of Fuzzy Neural Networks. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 18(4), 109–116.


