On Estimation of Maximum Errors for Inclinometric Systems with Fluxgate and Accelerometric Sensors


  • D. G. Milovzorov Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa




inclinometric system, fluxgates, accelerometers, mathematical models, maximum errors


The paper deals with the construction of inclinometric systems with fluxgate and accelerometric sensors; the structure of the inclinometric system and photos of two-axis accelerometer sensors block and a three-component fluxgate magnetometer are provided. A method for mathematical modeling of inclinometric systems is considered, based on the formation of vector-matrix equations and obtaining systems of scalar equations for the relationship of the measured projections of the gravitational acceleration vector and the geomagnetic flux density vector on the sensitivity axis of fluxgates and accelerometers. Basic mathematical models of inclinometric systems are presented, which allow the unambiguous determination of the sought angular parameters of the spatial orientation by the measured signals from the fluxgates and accelerometers. General analytical expressions for the measurement errors are obtained and an assessment of their maximum values is performed, which makes it possible to formulate the requirements for the accuracy of the measured signals, depending on the requirements imposed on the metrological characteristics of inclinometric systems in general. Based on the analysis of the maximum errors in determining the zenith and sighting angles, their dependence on the inclination parameter of the inclinometric system body and on the specific values of the measurement errors of information signals from accelerometers is shown. Based on the analysis of the maximum values of the azimuth determination errors, their dependence on the magnetic inclination angle and on the specific values of the measurement errors of information signals from the fluxgates is shown. The graphs of the dependences of the maximum errors values in determining the desired angles are presented.


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How to Cite

Milovzorov Д. Г. (2021). On Estimation of Maximum Errors for Inclinometric Systems with Fluxgate and Accelerometric Sensors. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(1), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2021-1-33-40


