Building Calibration Functions for Angular Position of the Trihedron of Accelerometers


  • I. P. Kazakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



accelerometer, calibration, control, diagnostics, stand, software and algorithmic software, methodology


The paper is devoted to the construction of the calibration functions of the angular purpose of constructively executed autonomous blocks of three orthogonally located accelerometers within the technological procedure of their static calibration to improve the accuracy of the definition of gravity projections on the coordinates associated with the objects of the space-orthogonal coordinate system. To do this, two variants of angular transformations of coordinate axes are used: in the Euler angles and in the plane angles. When monitoring and diagnosing the accuracy of accelerometer readings in the trihedron, it is recommended to take measurements of the gravity vector, performing full turns at any of the angles.

The mathematical basis for constructing the functions of the system calibration of trihedron accelerometers is described as part of the procedures for re-projection of measuring signals on the "correct" orthogonal axis. The resulting linear and non-linear calibration functions are presented. Options to improve the conditioning of computational algorithms to identify linear and non-linear calibration functions of the angular position of the trihedron accelerometers are considered.

The computationally lightweight techniques designed for the serial calibration of the trihedrons of accelerometers are presented. They use the decomposition of accelerometer readings along the axes of the "distorted" system of coordinates on the axis of the "correct" orthogonal coordinate system.

An example is a comparison of the results of linear and non-linear calibration of a block of three accelerometers of AK-15 on the stand. It is shown that it is enough to use a linear calibration technique for the selected precision accelerometers.


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How to Cite

Kazakov И. П., & Shishakov К. В. (2021). Building Calibration Functions for Angular Position of the Trihedron of Accelerometers. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(1), 59–71.


