Organization, Structure and Capabilities of the State Information System for Ensuring Urban Planning Activities in the Udmurt Republic


  • V. P. Grakhov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • N. M. Yakushev Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • A. E. Stivens Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • N. K. Simakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk
  • M. A. Kislyakov Kalashnikov ISTU, Izhevsk



urban planning, information systems, geographic information systems, spatial data, GIS, urban planning GIS, territories development, land management, software, urban zoning, real estate register, information protection, information system


This paper is devoted to geo-information systems (GIS), in particular, the State information system for ensuring urban planning activities (urban planning GIS). Definitions are given, functions and tasks of such systems are indicated, a classification is given according to various criteria, including the nature of information updating, by the type of device for system usage, by spatial coverage, security class and subject area. The principles of working with information systems are considered, the basic requirements for urban planning GIS are determined, including in the field of data security. Special attention is paid to the experience of creating and implementing information systems for ensuring urban planning activities on the territory of the Udmurt Republic (UR). The method for development and implementation of this system in the UR is shown.

The basic information contained in the GISOGD, as well as the actions performed within the framework of the information system maintenance have been structured. Documents which are the legal basis for maintaining these systems are given, the main users are identified.

The work focuses on innovative modules that make up the system, ensure its correct operation and significantly expand its functionality. At the end of the paper a brief conclusion on the current state of geo-information systems for urban planning activities, its problems and ways (directions) of solutions are given.


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How to Cite

Grakhov В. П., Yakushev Н. М., Stivens А. Э., Simakov Н. К., & Kislyakov М. А. (2021). Organization, Structure and Capabilities of the State Information System for Ensuring Urban Planning Activities in the Udmurt Republic. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(1), 80–88.


