About Social Responsibility of Business of the Enterprises of Udmurtia


  • A. L. Kuznetsov Udmurt Branch of IE UB RAS, Izhevsk
  • R. V. Chikurov Udmurt Branch of IE UB RAS, Izhevsk




social responsibility of business, social differentiation, Japanese model, Scandinavian model, technological development of production, social policy


The change in the economic formation at the turn of the 1990s led to serious economic and social changes. The transformation of the economic and ideological components could not but affect the process of vital activity of all elements of economic systems, including the level of industrial enterprises. One of the main urgent problems identified in the conditions of the modern economic system is the lack of an appropriate attitude to the labor force (human capital) as a fundamental factor of production, which in the recent past played a decisive role in enterprises and was strictly controlled on the basis of drawing up social passports of enterprises. Currently, it is increasingly possible to hear the opinion that the issue of social responsibility of representatives of large businesses reflects a negative picture of reality, and it is reduced to extremely low indicators over time. There is a tendency to shift the emphasis from the so-called "socialist" model inherent in domestic organizations to the "European and American" model. Enterprises are increasingly willing to get rid of social infrastructure facilities, curtail social programs for their employees, and are less engaged in charity work – justifying this practice by saying that these functions should be performed by the state. This trend is not only dangerous from the point of view of reducing the efficiency of the production process itself, but also threatens with serious social consequences both at the level of the enterprise itself and in the territory on which it is located. The authors of the paper set out to determine the trends of social responsibility of business in large enterprises of Udmurtia in the time period from the socialist way of life to the modern stage.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsov А. Л., & Chikurov Р. В. (2021). About Social Responsibility of Business of the Enterprises of Udmurtia. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(1), 112–117. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2021-1-112-117


