Research of the Piezo Actuator Information-Measuring System for Studying the Strength Characteristics of Filling Materials
piezo actuator information-measuring system, three-dimensional modeling, stress-strain state, electromechanical model, filling materialAbstract
The paper describes a piezo actuator information-measuring system with a telecommunication network for the study of composite filling materials, which implements tensometric, acoustic, optical and electrometric methods of sample control. The possibility of analyzing the strength characteristics of a specimen by its compression diagrams in a static mode and cyclic loads with a given vibration frequency and the law of action in digital form is stated. The following recommendations are obtained: to study hard dental tissues it is better to use a sequential arrangement of two piezo actuators, rather than a parallel one. This is due to the fact that hard dental tissues have a relatively low Young's modulus (in particular, the dentin has 14.7 MPa). In this case, the maximum generated force from two sequential piezo actuators will be greater than from parallel piezo actuators. An electromechanical model of the loading sample process in a power piezo actuator unit is developed, and the issues of increasing the accuracy of measuring strength characteristics using the Micro-Cap package is investigated. A three-dimensional model of the stress-strain state of the sample in the Ansys Mechanical program is created, which makes it possible to carry out theoretical research of the reliability of the contact of filling materials with hard dental tissues. A method is developed for the comparative assessment of errors in modeling the operation of a power installation in the Micro-cap package with the results obtained in the Ansys Mechanical program (taken as a reference). To implement the estimation technique in the above models, the Young's modulus of the sample was being changed simultaneously from 10 to 330 GPa.References
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