Shooting Simulator «Inhibitor»: Ballistics Software for 5.45 Caliber Weapons
shooting exercise machine (shooting simulator), external ballistics, mathematical model, theory of corrections, ballistics trajectory, integrationAbstract
The paper describes the software for support of external ballistics calculation for weapons of 5.45 mm caliber taking into account external factors for the optical-electronic tactical exercise machine for small arms "Inhibitor" developed at the Institute of mechanics UdmFRC UB RAS and at the Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with with JSC «Kalashnikov» Concern». Tactical and technical assignment is given for the ballistic calculation of the trajectory range up to 2 km of weapon simulators with a laser emitter of the targeting point taking into account external factors: positions of the aiming bar of all types of sights, temperature and air pressure, which have a significant impact on the air resistance. The implemented differential mathematical model of external ballistics relying on the aiming angle of the weapon simulator, the initial speed and ballistic coefficient of the ammunition in real time creates a ballistic trajectory with amendments to the air temperature and pressure. Results of software tests for the error of calculation of ballistic trajectory coordinates are given. It was concluded that further research and development of electronic shooting simulators were promising due to the improvement and cheapening of the element base and the development of software libraries in order to increase the accuracy of simulating the external score of simulators taking into account many external factors, expanding functional capabilities and reducing cost and, therefore, increasing competitiveness.References
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