Integrated Assessment of Criticality of the Main Energy Carrier in Explosive Stamping of Large Missile Parts


  • V. F. Urazbakhtin Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • F. A. Urazbakhtin Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU



Complex system, industrial explosives, properties, intensity of the property manifestation, states, parameters, indicators of criticality


Industrial explosives are subject to special requirements. Strict compliance with the requirements ensures the design operability of the energy carrier of the blasting process. Under these conditions, critical situations arise invariably. In the state of criticality in explosives, changes in parameters occur. The changes lead to an atypical process of stamping by explosion and poor-quality production of large-sized missile parts. For example, the criticality associated with reducing the detonation properties of the explosive leads to a change in the shock wave parameters. In this case, the dimensions of the deformed blanks with double curvature are not correct. Incorrect dimensions cannot be corrected by subsequent machining. The parameters of explosives shall be within the limits for which there is no criticality. The paper considers the possibility of quantifying the criticality arising from the transition of the explosive from the working to the inoperable state. Each criticality assessment is carried out by the intensity of the development of a separate explosive property. In this mathematical model, the state of the stamping object is estimated by 12 criticality indicators. The evaluation calculated using a mathematical model allows you to determine the state of the explosive during storage and during stamping with an explosion of a missile part. The value of this estimate can indicate the degree of proximity of the inoperable state.

Author Biographies

V. F. Urazbakhtin, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU


F. A. Urazbakhtin, Votkinsk branch of Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Urazbakhtin В. Ф., & Urazbakhtin Ф. А. (2021). Integrated Assessment of Criticality of the Main Energy Carrier in Explosive Stamping of Large Missile Parts. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(2), 104–113.


