Automated Control System of Physical and Accuracy Parameters of Sensitive Elements of Solid-State Wave Gyroscopes


  • F. I. Spiridonov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU



solid-state wave gyroscope, software, industrial automation, manufacturing processes


The paper describes the first comprehensive version of the developed software and hardware stand of automation of end-to-end production control of physical parameters of sensitive elements of solid-state wave gyroscopes to enhance the accuracy characteristics of their output signals. The general characteristic of the system of control of physical and accuracy parameters of sensitive elements in production is given. To do this, the process of making a sensitive element is summarized and procedures for determining its physical and accuracy parameters are given. The focus is on creating "hrgCheck" software for the system of automated physical and accuracy parameters monitoring. For this purpose, a diagram of the state of the system, program algorithms, data collection, calculation of physical parameters, calculation of accuracy parameters, software and measurement control structures as well as the program's user interface are given. As a demonstration example of the performance of the software, a trial test of the effectiveness of use in the control of physical and accuracy parameters of sensitive elements of solid-state wave gyroscopes was carried out. For one of the sensors, 37 standing wave runs were measured, which took 2 hours and 15 minutes. The dependence of identification results on the initial measurement conditions is shown, which requires an excessive series of experiments. The resulting data on the physical and precise parameters of sensitive elements show the feasibility of introducing the developed software into the production cycle of end-to-end control of the gyroscopes produced. This will reduce the labor and cost of manufacturing, improve product accuracy and reduce the possibility of production faults. The inherent opportunities for improvement, development and expansion allow us to consider it in the general trend of updating the technologies of production processes for the manufacture of high-precision solid-state wave gyroscopes.

Author Biographies

F. I. Spiridonov, Kalashnikov ISTU


K. V. Shishakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Spiridonov Ф. И., & Shishakov К. В. (2021). Automated Control System of Physical and Accuracy Parameters of Sensitive Elements of Solid-State Wave Gyroscopes. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(3), 35–46.


