Development of a Technological Module for Control and Verification of on-Board Equipment for Storing Temporary Data


  • D. D. Bazhenova “RosA” LLC
  • M. A. Al Akkad Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. A. Ivakin “IRZ” LLC



onboard equipment for storing temporary data, control and testing equipment, technological software, FPGA, high-speed radio link


High-speed radio link HSRL is designed to transmit target information from spacecraft equipment to the ground. A block of onboard equipment for storing temporary data OESTD is a part of the onboard equipment of a high-speed radio link OEHSRL. Before the spacecraft is launched into space, acceptance tests of the input control are carried out. To do this, it was necessary to develop testing equipment TE and software for it. TE of OESTD is designed to check the OESTD in general and each block in particular during autonomous tests. This paper considers the subsystem of technological software - a component of the TE software system, which allows checking the operation of the FPGA as part of the OESTD. The subsystem main algorithms and functions performed by the subsystem are given. The interaction of the operator of control and testing equipment with programmable logic integrated circuits FPGA, which are part of the on-board equipment block for storing temporary data of the OESTD, is considered. Debugging software is required to enable this interaction. An FPGA with the RISC-V architecture was chosen, debugging via GRMON turned out to be impossible and OpenOCD was chosen. As a result, a technological software module was developed for testing and ensuring the operability of the FPGA as part of the onboard equipment for storing temporary data. The following components were developed: a subsystem for interaction with the device to ensure the ability to send commands and receive response messages, service functions to convert response messages into a readable form for the operator, a subsystem for interaction of the module with the main frame of the TE software, and widgets to provide the ability to manually enter commands from the user conveniently.

Author Biographies

D. D. Bazhenova, “RosA” LLC

M. A. Al Akkad, Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering

A. A. Ivakin, “IRZ” LLC


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How to Cite

Bazhenova Д. Д., Al Akkad М. А., & Ivakin А. А. (2021). Development of a Technological Module for Control and Verification of on-Board Equipment for Storing Temporary Data. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(3), 47–54.


