Model of the Information System for Management of Logistics Processes in the Food Industry
modeling, business processes, logistics, food industry, routing, transportAbstract
The information management system for bakery serial production is presented. The object system is the technical means for the release and delivery of products to consumers, a range of products, a production plan (formed by the demand for products), a set of points of sale of products, and a graph of transport infrastructure. The capabilities of the warehouses of the system are limited, raw and other materials are perishable (storage periods are calculated in days), the number of delivery vehicles to the points of sale is small (<3), the needs of consumers are low (single demand for products), the number of points of sale is large (≈102), the shelf life is short (2-3 days). The controlled variable is the function U (t) - the ratio of the volume of weekly delivered product (taking into account the return of unsold products and volume of manufacturing defects) to the delivery cost. The control system is tasked with maintaining the maximum possible level of the function U. An algorithm for solving the problem of maximizing the function U is proposed, which consists in the following: 1) determine the maximum production plan, 2) determine the minimum delivery plan (monitoring the implementation of production and transportation plans gives feedback in the form of volumes of products that have not passed quality control Qb and have not been delivered to consumers QR), 3) feedback information is used to adjust production and transportation plans by applying man-machine decision-making procedures. To solve this problem, automation is required through the development and implementation of specialized software. A systematic approach to the development of information support involves the analysis of business processes of the enterprise. The critical processes to ensure the continued operation of the system are: "Supply of raw materials for production" and "Delivery of finished products to consumers". The task of ensuring timely replenishment of the warehouse is solved by the implementation of a supplier management system (SCM). The task of ensuring the delivery of finished products is solved by finding the optimal transportation plan. An adaptation of the algorithm for solving the problem of products transportation is presented. An algorithm for handling an emergency situation with the redistribution of cargo in the event of a vehicle breakdown during a voyage has been formalized.References
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