Methods of Increasing the Control Efficiency of Wind Electric Installation by the Account of Vibration Loading the Drive Under Different Conditions of the Energy Unit Operation


  • V. I. Buyalsky Sevastopol State University



method, control, vibration, load, drive, wind turbine, rotor system


The substantiation of an urgency of a way of effective automated control of wind electric installation by the account of vibration loading a drive is made under different conditions of energy unit operation, aimed at minimization of vibration of all rotor system elements by reducing the error of a mismatch between the angular speed of a rotor wind turbine and a generator rotor that promotes the improvement of reliability of electric supply of the basic control in conditions of the incomplete information on characteristics of the meteorological and electric power conditions that are changing in time considerably. The method is proposed to control the process of electric power manufacture by the development of an optimizing model which would cover the control not only by means of the angle of the electric generator blade revolution, but also by considering the conditions of vibration loading the drive under different conditions of the energy unit operation - and it is the dynamic analysis of frequency interactions of all elements of rotor systems and power interactions from blades of elements, as one of components of the wind loading. The review of the basic ways of controlling the wind turbines is made. It showed, that the use of any of them depends on the provided purpose of control and on the availability of the information on system parameters and a feedback, and it does not solve a problem of alignment of angular speed of the wind turbine rotor and the generator rotor without a mismatch error between them, that generates shock loads, and consequently, vibration of rotor systems. The problem of definition and description of all elements of the energy unit rotor systems is solved. The differential equation of the angular speed of the wind turbine rotor is worked out. Transfer functions of dynamic elements of rotor systems for automatic control taking into account the influence of the wind speed, capacity of the consumed electric power, their block diagram and the schedule of the transient process of regulating the angular speed of the wind turbine rotor are constructed.

Author Biography

V. I. Buyalsky, Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И. (2021). Methods of Increasing the Control Efficiency of Wind Electric Installation by the Account of Vibration Loading the Drive Under Different Conditions of the Energy Unit Operation. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(3), 74–81.


