Adaptation of the Risk Management System in an Industrial-Type Enterprise


  • N. N. Vasilyeva Kalashnikov ISTU
  • A. V. Svinov IRZ TEK
  • O. V. Tkachuk Kalashnikov ISTU



risk management, system, management, risk, analysis, assessment


Today, little attention is paid to risks, with management focusing more on performance indicators and business results than on analyzing dangerous situations and finding new opportunities. The risk management system proposed in this paper will help to take risks under control and systematize the risk management process. Ideally, it should be integrated into the quality management system. The paper also provides a study on the development of methods for identifying, analyzing and assessing strategic risks. The risk management process is described in accordance with GOST R ISO 31000-2019; methods of risk management are considered. The risk management system included a register, a questionnaire, criteria for the severity of risk and the likelihood of occurrence, as well as a matrix of risks with a description of its zones and levels of risk. The paper provides a procedure for risk management, which describes the stages of the risk management process and their relationship with the approach proposed in GOST R ISO 31000. The standard questions of the questionnaire are formulated that will help simplify the process of identifying risks in the enterprise if the manager does not have a certain plan. A form of a risk register is proposed, which consists of successively filled columns: strategic goal, risk, qualitative risk analysis, quantitative risk assessment, risk reduction. It also describes how to fill it out and its main functions. Thus, the entire risk management system is described through its separate, but interconnected parts. With a competent approach and the integration of RMS into the QMS, risk management will give a tangible effect.

Author Biographies

N. N. Vasilyeva, Kalashnikov ISTU

Senior Lecturer

A. V. Svinov, IRZ TEK

Deputy Director for Quality

O. V. Tkachuk, Kalashnikov ISTU



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How to Cite

Vasilyeva Н. Н., Svinov А. В., & Tkachuk О. В. (2021). Adaptation of the Risk Management System in an Industrial-Type Enterprise. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(3), 134–141.


