Deterioration of Accuracy Characteristics of Solid-State Wave Gyroscopes when the Excitation Frequency Is Adjusted from the Resonance Frequency
solid wave gyroscope, frequency of excitation, resonance frequency, sampling frequency, simulation model, lab layouts, measurement deviceAbstract
The paper presents the calculated and experimental study of the measure of deterioration of accuracy characteristics of solid wave gyroscopes when adjusting their frequency from the resonance one. To do this, a simulation model was built, which was researched in the Matlab package. The measurement device is modeled at the alternating and direct current. It is shown that the measure of mismatch of the calculation grid with the period of vibrations of the gyroscope resonator was the main reason for errors in calculating the angle of the gyroscope in the simulation model. This is confirmed by the graphs of dependencies of errors on the deviation of the excitation frequency from the resonance one. Experimental studies on laboratory models of non-industrial production confirmed the principle possibility of making a solid-state wave gyroscope design without the contour of phase auto-adjustment frequency, without a significant loss of the accuracy. To do this, three models of low-precision gyroscopes were created and researched. In the first layout, a variable-current measuring device was used, and the parametric swing of oscillations was performed by one ring electrode with an additional inclusion of a different-frequency correction path with sixteen electrodes. In the second layout, the previous diagram replaced the measuring device for working on a direct current. The third mock-up examined a two-channel eight-electrode control system. On all layouts it was permissible to work at the excitation frequency deviation from the resonant 5 kHz equal to the value (20 Hz). At the same time, the form of the systematic drift function has not changed much. And its amplitude and random error rate also changed acceptably.References
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