Algorithms for Processing Measuring Signals in the Integrating Solid-State Wave Gyroscope


  • K. V. Shishakov Kalashnikov ISTU



solid-state wave gyroscope, signal processing algorithms, demodulation, resonant oscillations, wave pattern, measuring information, capacitive sensors


Different variants of algorithms for processing the internal signals of the measuring device of integrating solid-state wave gyroscopes are synthesized. The main attention is paid to the consideration of subtle factors affecting the accuracy of calculation of gyroscope output signals and measurement signals of internal circuits to ensure their effective operation. For this purpose, different models of capacitive sensor signals in the gyroscope measuring device and the measured structure of standing waves in its resonator are preliminarily considered. The traditional aggregation of sensor signals into measuring device signals is described. First, variants of algorithms for capacitive direct-current operating measuring devices are systematized and thoroughly analyzed. They are divided into algorithms with tuning for periodicity of resonant oscillations and without tuning for periodicity. Variants of calculations differing in accuracy are presented for: the angle of the operating standing wave, proportional to the measured rate of the gyroscope base rotation; the amplitude of the operating quadrature standing wave for the internal circuit of its assigned value maintenance; the amplitude of the quadrature standing wave for the internal circuit of its suppression; the frequency of the operating standing wave for tuning of the excitation system of resonator oscillations and for implementation of the digital quadrature coherent demodulator of the measuring device. It is shown that in the majority of practical applications algorithms with tuning to periodicity of resonant oscillations are more preferable from the point of view of the computational complexity. And computationally labor-intensive algorithms without periodicity tuning are intended for measuring increased angular velocities with the reduced time of "freezing" of measured parameters. Further the given algorithms for the direct-current measuring device are generalized on algorithms of processing of measuring signals when operating with the alternating current. The variants of computational algorithms reduction to the algorithms previously synthesized for the direct current are described. They mainly use demodulation of AC voltage signals, including digital processing of modulated signals using a high-speed analog-to-digital converter. In addition, algorithms for information extraction from AC measuring device signals with demodulation at the combined frequency of modulated signals are synthesized. The different variants of single-band demodulation of measurement signals and also algorithm of double-band demodulation of measuring device signals with the extended list of measured quantities are considered. The choice of the necessary algorithm depends on the requirements to the measured angular velocities, on the constructive implementation of the gyroscope measuring device and on the choice of technical characteristics of its components.

Author Biography

K. V. Shishakov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering


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How to Cite

Shishakov К. В. (2021). Algorithms for Processing Measuring Signals in the Integrating Solid-State Wave Gyroscope. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(4), 33–48.


