Investigation of Tantalum Capacitors Using the Accelerated Quality Assessment Technique STRESS TEST


  • P. L. Kuznetsov JSC Elecond
  • V. A. Kuznetsova Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. V. Muravyev Kalashnikov ISTU



Tantalum capacitors, testing technique, equivalent series resistance, oxide layer, defect


The paper discusses the possibility of conducting accelerated tests to assess the quality of tantalum bulk-porous capacitors according to the developed STRESS TEST technique instead of outdated methods that require costly resources for testing and do not provide proper rejection of capacitors (detection of defects in the oxide layer). It is known that the grown amorphous pentoxide is able to form a uniform layer on the surface of tantalum, but due to various factors (due to surface roughness, porosity, uneven distribution of the electrolyte during the oxidation process and the electric contact of the carrier-anode), a surface is created with "problem areas", "incomplete formation", or, in other words, a "weak spot", the rejection of which is most important for modern tantalum capacitors. A comparative analysis of the application of the standard method and the STRESS TEST technique for accelerated evaluation of the quality of tantalum bulk-porous capacitors will prove the effectiveness of the developed technique. The developed STRESS TEST technique is based on cyclic (10 cycles) application of an increased voltage to the capacitor (corresponding to the voltage during the formation of an oxide layer on a tantalum anode) for the duration of each cycle for 5 minutes, which is proved by calculating this process based on the Zhurkov reliability acceleration model. The technique makes it possible to identify low-quality capacitors in advance with defects in the structure of the oxide layer. The technique makes it possible to evaluate the quality of capacitors in an accelerated time, which is confirmed by the obtained regression model of equivalent series resistance in comparison with the regression model of the standard type of tests for long-term reliability for 24,000 hours. The application of the STRESS TEST technique for tantalum volumetrically porous capacitors will reduce the testing time by approximately two and a half years.

Author Biographies

P. L. Kuznetsov, JSC Elecond

Chief of metrologist department

V. A. Kuznetsova, Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Kalashnikov ISTU

PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

V. V. Muravyev, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Engineering, Professor


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How to Cite

Kuznetsov П. Л., Kuznetsova В. А., & Muravyev В. В. (2021). Investigation of Tantalum Capacitors Using the Accelerated Quality Assessment Technique STRESS TEST. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(4), 49–54.


