The Relevance of Using Market Competencies in the Process of Diversification of Defense Industry Enterprises
diversification, enterprise, defense industry complex, marketing activity, market competences, production of civil and dual purposeAbstract
The paper presents an overview of the problems faced by the enterprise of the military-industrial complex in the process of diversification when identifying market needs, searching for directions and opportunities for the promotion and sale of civilian and dual-use products. One of the key constraining factors of diversification is the lack of market competencies of the personnel of defense industry enterprises. In the current conditions, the skills of market segmentation and positioning of goods and enterprises, management of trademarks and brands, creation of intangible market assets, formation of business partnerships that allow entering the markets with competitive goods in a short time, ensuring the flexibility of enterprises and reducing the time to enter the markets of civil products become relevant. The condition for the successful implementation of the diversification strategy is the formation of market competencies: strategic analysis and market research, product portfolio management, the formation of product, price, service policy, the implementation of competitive strategies, the development of marketing services: the creation of divisions focused on working with the markets of civil and dual-use products, the development of new functionality for marketers, ensuring the interaction of production, technological and marketing services within the framework of meeting market needs. The development of market competencies will make it possible to realize the production and technological advantages of defense industry enterprises in the process of diversification and ensure: access to new markets for civil and dual-use products; targeted actions in existing markets; increasing the competitiveness of civil and dual-use products and defense industry enterprises in the markets; increasing the degree of adaptability and mobility of defense industry enterprises in the markets of civil and dual-use products to environmental conditions, reducing the response time to market requirements; solving socio-economic problems through broad integration with the high-tech civilian sector of industry.References
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