Factors of Correlation for Dynamic Links of Rotor Systems of Wind Electric Installation


  • V. I. Buyalsky Sevastopol State University




correlation factor, spectral density, correlation function, vibration, wind turbine, rotor system


The substantiation of definition of correlation factors for dynamic links of rotor systems of wind electric installations, as one of subtasks of the mathematical algorithms of dynamic behavior of system claimed for the further working out for the purpose of automated control updating fot the wind-electric installation which provides reduction of vibrations of all elements of rotor systems in conditions of loading a drive at different modes of operation of the energy-unit that promotes improvement of indicators of reliability for components of the modern wind installations is made. The problem of determining the parameters of the analytical model of the correlation function for the purpose of definition of correlation dependences between the measured values of meteorological and electro-power process taking into account the requirement of a minimum of the sum of squares of discrepancies (approximation errors) for the actual and approximating lines is solved. The average square deviation of an error of approximation, meteorological and electro-power process on the basis of a discrete estimation of ordinates of the analytical model of the correlation function does not exceed 1%. Mathematical formulas for definition of the spectral density of input and target casual processes, and also mutual spectral density of input and target casual processes of dynamic links of rotor systems on the basis of the block diagram of transfer functions of the system behavior for the purpose of revealing the degree of correlation of transfer functions are made. The analysis is made for processes of input and target signals of transfer functions with regard to their coherent state on the basis of calculation of factors of correlation for dynamic links of rotor systems for the purpose of the description of the transfer function within the limits of the analysis of vibrating fields of the unit as a whole since vibrations are causednot only by blades but also by all elements with rotor systems.

Author Biography

V. I. Buyalsky, Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И. (2021). Factors of Correlation for Dynamic Links of Rotor Systems of Wind Electric Installation. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 19(4), 61–68. https://doi.org/10.22213/2410-9304-2021-4-61-68


