The Effect of Icing on the Output Parameters of the Airflow-Angle Sensor in Case of Failure of the Electric Heating System
airflow-angle sensor, numerical simulation, icing, mathematical modelAbstract
At present, with the intensive operation of aircrafts in extremely harsh air conditions, their all-weather use, the work related to improving the flight safety is especially relevant. One of the directions of work in this topic is the study of the types of parametric failures of onboard equipment associated with the influence of the external environment in order to assess their impact on interacting systems and develop recommendations for identifying and countering detected failures. The presented paper considers the results of a full-scale experiment to determine the possibility of operation of the aerodynamic angle sensor in artificially formed icing conditions in case of failure of its electric heating system, as well as a description and results of subsequent modeling of the sensor icing process, and an assessment of its effect on the accuracy characteristics of the sensor output signal. The statement of the research problem is formulated as follows: it is necessary to ensure the testing of the sensor and the subsequent processing of the results obtained in order to form a generalized mathematical model of the sensor icing process, as well as to solve the problem of introducing additional errors into the sensor signals, which makes it possible to study the behavior of air signal systems using vane sensors of aerodynamic angles with artificially introduced failures. A full-scale experiment was carried out in an air-cooling tube on the basis of the enterprise JSC "UKBP". Numerical modeling and determination of correction factors were carried out in the software packages Ansys FENSAP ICE and MathCAD. Analysis of the results achieved in the course of modeling confirmed the convergence of the model obtained with the data of real experiments in an air-cooling tube. The data obtained made it possible to confirm the possibility of detecting distorted values for the angle of attack by the parametric quorum control method.References
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