Software for Calculating Economic Standards Adjusted in Terms of the Market Value of Equipment
information system, software, economic standards, market value of equipment, maintenance and repair of equipmentAbstract
The complexity of software for improving and monitoring processes related to the repair and maintenance of equipment at industrial enterprises is an automated system for the maintenance and repair of equipment, which plays an important role in the market planning of equipment maintenance and repair. Due to the fact that there was a need to write software for calculating economic standards in the market planning of equipment maintenance and repair, a program was written. The introduction of the software in the market planning of equipment maintenance and repair is economically justified in terms of reducing the cost of repairs, reducing losses from equipment downtime. The software product will allow you to calculate a scientifically grounded indicator of the costs of capital repairs of fixed assets (lifting equipment) for the 1st category of repair complexity; scientifically grounded indicator of working capital for overhaul for the 1st category of repair complexity; scientifically grounded indicator of material costs for the 1st category of repair complexity during overhaul of press-forging equipment, forging-steam-air hammers; scientifically grounded indicator of material costs for the 1st category of repair complexity during overhaul of lifting equipment; scientifically grounded indicator of material costs for the 1st category of repair complexity during overhaul for foundry equipment; scientifically grounded indicator of material costs for the 1st category of repair complexity when carrying out overhaul of machine tools; the cost of repair work of technological equipment for the 1st category of repair complexity; calculate the market value of the equipment, which is adjusted by the coefficients of physical, functional, external, and moral wear. In the paper, the proposed software for calculating economic standards in market planning of the maintenance and repair of equipment is written in C# Sharp using the framework .NET Core 3.1. The program implements two classes - Program (main class) and Formula (formula class). The formula class encapsulates all the properties and methods of the formula necessary to work with it, including input, storage of all entered values. The main class consistently creates objects of the formula class and executes the methods necessary for the calculation. The paper contains links to the source code and the program. The software allows you to multiply the efficiency of the project management for the equipment maintenance and repair .References
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