Combined Estimation of the Mutual Position of the Master and Slave Vehicle by Ultrasonic Receivers and Gnss-Module Data


  • S. A. Goll RSREU named after V. F. Utkin
  • E. A. Zakharova RSREU named after V. F. Utkin



autonomous convoy, information and measurement complex, robotic vehicle, ultrasonic beacon, spatial array of ultrasonic receivers, master position estimation, global navigation satellite system receiver, dynamic error


The problem of determining the position of master vehicle when implementing a scenario of robotic vehicle as a part of caravanning driving system is studied. The mentioned scenario is expected the slave vehicle to replicate the motion trajectory of master vehicle represented by human operated vehicle, by another robotic vehicle or by human operator. To provide reliable operation of robotic vehicle within autonomous convoy a reliable and precise assessment of master vehicle position and trajectory regardless of environment is required. Implementation of ultrasonic receivers and emitters within information and measurement complex to determine master-slave vehicle mutual position allows to function at any time of the day inside and outside the premises in the presence of dynamic obstacles, smoke, precipitation, etc. Estimation of position and trajectory of master vehicle is accomplished by means of measuring arrival time of ultrasonic wave emitted by active beacon prior to spatial array of ultrasonic receivers. Similar indirect distance measurement between bacon and each receiver allowed to receive a system of equations to be solved by implementation of Kalman filter with Raugh - Tung - Striebel smoother. Major disadvantage of the approach is 20-meter range, which is enough for complex maneuvering. To increase the range of the complex operation, a combined estimation of the master's position based on measuring data of the spatial array of ultrasonic receivers and the module of global navigation satellite system is proposed.

Author Biographies

S. A. Goll, RSREU named after V. F. Utkin

PhD in Engineering, Associate professor

E. A. Zakharova, RSREU named after V. F. Utkin

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Goll С. А., & Zakharova Е. А. (2022). Combined Estimation of the Mutual Position of the Master and Slave Vehicle by Ultrasonic Receivers and Gnss-Module Data. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(1), 4–12.


