Shooting Simulator «Inhibitor»: Mathematical Support for Ballistics Rocket Weapons
shooting exercise machine (shooting simulator), mathematical model, aiming devices, rocket ballistics, ammunition, grenadeAbstract
Mathematical support for the calculation of external ballistics for rocket weapons taking into account external factors and for the adjustment of weapon parameters of the optical-electronic tactical simulator for small arms "Inhibitor" developed by the Institute of Mechanics of the UdmFRC UB RAS and Computer facilities department of Kalashnikov ISTU jointly with «Kalashnikov» Concern JSC » is described. A tactical and technical task is given to expand the functional capabilities of weapon simulators with support for adjusting the recoil force (50% of actual) and loading real sounds of a shot (60 % of actual volume), checking magazine sensors, piles (more than 5 degrees to the left and to the right) and safety fuse (for automatic and single firing), settings of trigger break limits and limits of readings of sights sensors (mechanical, optical and night). The interactive visual form allows you to check sensor readings and configure parameters for each simulator. To support reactive ballistics of RPG-7 and RPG-26, which is distinguished by the active section of the trajectory and its deviation against the wind, as well as a significant dependence on temperature and high random dispersion of grenades, an extension of the mathematical model is introduced to empirical account these factors and new wind models. Results of software tests for error of calculation of characteristics of reactive ballistic trajectory are given. It was concluded that further research and development of electronic shooting simulators were promising due to the improvement of computing tools and the development of software libraries in order to increase the accuracy of simulating external ballistics of simulators taking into account many external factors, expand functional networks and reduce cost and, therefore, increase competitiveness.References
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