Comprehensive Assessment of Criticality in the Form of a Shock Wave During Explosing Forming
shock wave, high explosive, explosive forming, criticality, complex system, main function, auxiliary function, parameters, criticality indicators, hydraulic flow, gas bubble, explosion productsAbstract
The paper considers the possibility of quantifying the shock wave arising from the explosion of a charge of high explosive. Evaluation is proposed by many indicators characterizing the onset of criticality. Criticality indicators are estimates of performance of functions of the stamping process system. Criticality occurs if at least one system performance indicator does not match the set range. It has been shown that the development of criticality leads to an uncomputed motion mode of the shock wave. The shock wave that occurs after the explosion of the charge of high explosive is the subject of special requirements during stamping. Meeting the requirements during plastic deformation of the workpiece will lead to the production of high-quality large-sized parts of rocket equipment. Non-compliance is considered critical. The shock wave is necessary to perform the main function of the stamping system: power mechanical action and plastic deformation of the workpiece. The performance of this shock wave function is achieved as a result of auxiliary functions, for example, the movement of hydraulic flow in the stamping zone and the gas bubble formed during the explosion of the charge. The performance of each function is assessed by its criticality indicator. Indicators are combined into a mathematical model. The article presents 16 indicators of criticality. With the help of a mathematical model, a complex assessment is calculated. The assessment indicates the degree of proximity of the occurrence of the non-calculated mode of impact wave action during stamping of large missile parts by explosion.References
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