The Dynamic Analysis of Optimizing Function Within the Limits of Vibration Rotor Systems of Wind Electric Installation


  • V. I. Buyalsky Sevastopol State University



optimizing model, vibrating field, own frequency of fluctuations, wind turbine, rotor system, dynamic factor


The problem of construction of basic and optimizing function within the limits of dynamic analysis of rotor systems wind-power installation vibrating fields, as one of subtasks of the mathematical algorithms of system dynamic behavior to modify wind-electric installation automatic control is solved that provides reduction of vibrations of all rotor system elements at different modes of operation power-unit of drive loading that promotes improvement of reliability indicators modern wind- installation components. Optimizing function has essential advantage with respeсt to the basic one as a result of minimization of portions with visible and peak vibrations within the frequence range of 190 - 310 rad/sec that is characteristic for negative cases of wind speed increase and reduction of electric power under different operation modes of wind-power installation. Measurement of vibration signal levels with obviously expressed peaks for the whole frequency range irrespectable to amplitude level is made, and calculation of longitudinal, bending and torsion fluctuations of own frequencies rotor-systems is executed. The dynamic analysis of frequency interactions of structural elements and power interactions of blade-elements on the basis of calculated data of dynamic factor for basic function vibrating portion at frequency 310 rad/sec with maximum vibration amplitude was carried out. The mimimum dynamic force transmitted makes 20.1 % from the total and it acts on longitudinal fluctuations of the rotor-system «wind wheel-control gear wheel», 100 % of maximum transferred dynamic force corresponds the second rotational frequency of 314 rad/sec which is resonant. The specified phenomena are not shown in the optimizing model as a result of vibrating portion absence for the investigated own frequencies and rotational fluctuations.

Author Biography

V. I. Buyalsky, Sevastopol State University

PhD in Engineering


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How to Cite

Buyalsky В. И. (2022). The Dynamic Analysis of Optimizing Function Within the Limits of Vibration Rotor Systems of Wind Electric Installation. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(2), 50–60.


