Adaptation of the Method for Developing Information Systems on the Example of the State Information System for Urban Development in the Udmurt Republic


  • N. K. Simakov Kalashnikov ISTU
  • V. P. Grakhov Kalashnikov ISTU



information systems, information system development methods, GIS, GISfUD, urban planning, system analysis, software, data analysis, analytical comparison, databases, information system development models, development stages


This article is devoted to the process of choosing a methodology for developing the State Information System for Urban Development in the Udmurt Republic (GISfUD UR). In this article, State Information System for Urban Development in the Udmurt Republic is considered as a classic information system that has a number of features related to the procedures of state control and regulation carried out during the development of the system. The objectives of the work are: analysis of the existing methods for the development of information systems; comparison of the presented methods according to several characteristics; selection of the most relevant and appropriate method for the development of the system considered in the article; and justification of the choice. The work carried out a detailed analysis of the existing methods for developing information systems: their features were identified, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods were identified, and the areas of their proper application were indicated. A comparison of the considered methods was carried out according to several criteria, including the novelty of development, availability of resources, the scale of the project and the timing of its implementation. During the comparison, the table was compiled that reflects the features of each method. The result of the work is the above comparative table, compiled by the analysis method, on the basis of which the choice of the most relevant and applicable method in the development of the State Information System for Urban Development in the Udmurt Republic was made, the justification for the choice was given. The conclusion contains a short rewiev of the chosen method, the effects obtained in the process of creating an information system by means of this method, as well as economic and social effects from the creation of the State Information System for Urban Planning in the Udmurt Republic.

Author Biographies

N. K. Simakov, Kalashnikov ISTU


V. P. Grakhov, Kalashnikov ISTU

DSc in Economics, Professor


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How to Cite

Simakov Н. К., & Grakhov В. П. (2022). Adaptation of the Method for Developing Information Systems on the Example of the State Information System for Urban Development in the Udmurt Republic. Intellekt. Sist. Proizv., 20(2), 86–95.


